Summer is a time to be actively enjoying the out of doors, but for many, activity is painful. For those who are along in years, they attribute their pains to a “part of getting old”. Many, not so old, require knee replacements. Yet, there are people living in remote parts of the world remaining very active and pain free in to their 90’s and 100s.
A study in New England Journal of Medicine in 2005 found that one control event is most related to cancer development - and that is CHRONIC INFLAMMATION.
Chronic inflammatory diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's and ulcerative colitis), and even diabetes (also an inflammatory disease) are all great risk factors for cancer. Per Gary Null PhD, three factors contributing to inflammation include:
1. Free radicals
2. Stress related oxidation affecting mitochondria
3. Food allergies and sensitivities
Free radicals. We are exposed to these elements repeatedly through day to day living and the environment. "Free radicals, also known as oxidants, are harmful by-products of the natural cell metabolism that occurs in the human body... toxic molecules within cells that are produced naturally as the body breaks down food... form as a result of exposure to environmental factors such as pollution, pesticides, tobacco smoke, industrial chemicals/cleaners, personal care products and solar radiation."
Paleo enthusiasts....a word of caution regarding large consumption of meat. Per, " The carnivores, or meat eating animals have an intestinal tract three times the body length, so that the food does not stay in the body for a long time. Meat has iron, which in excess again causes free radicals in the colon. The intestinal tract in the herbivores is ten to twelve times the body length because it takes a long time for the vegetarian food to be absorbed. The human intestine is just like the herbivores, twelve times the body length. The hydrochloric acid content in the stomach is very high in meat eating animals. It is twenty times less in herbivores. If you are eating a meat diet, free radicals are being produced, carcinogens are produced, and you don't have that problem in a vegetarian diet."
Paleo diet promoters seem to bounce around quite a bit regarding the amount of meat one should consume. A friend who eats paleo because of serious health issues, tells me that true paleo promotes 80% vegetables and fruits - not a plateful of meat, an image promoted by others. Truthfully, I am confused by the Paleo people I talk to as they seem to lack consistency. I suppose, like many, we choose to eat a certain way a great percentage of the time, but not exclusively. I have Paleo friends who do enjoy a piece of celebratory cake containing gluten now and then.
Cooked meat produces arachidonic acid - a free radical created when foods are cooked at high temperature. Organ meats, such as liver, are particularly high in this acid - which promotes Omega 6. Besides seared meats, other high temperature foods such as French fries, pasteurized dairy, and even deep friend fish - produce arachidonic acid. If a person's diet is abundant in anti-oxidant rich foods, one's body should generally, be able to counter the effects of free radicals. (Generally being key, as a person with compromised immunit or already diseased will not fare as well aganst free readicals.)
Omega 6, in excess, contributes to inflammation. We NEED Omega 6, but balance is, of course, is key. Because we, as a general population, consume processed foods laden with Omega 6, we are a very out of balance society. We need to be on purpose with Omega 3 consumption.
Stress does what to what? We all have Mitochondria, a critical component of a healthy cell. "Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cells. They generate the energy that our cells need to do their jobs. For example, brain cells need a lot of energy to be able to communicate with each other and also to communicate with parts of the body that may be far away, to do this substances need to be transported along the cells, which needs lots of energy. Muscle fibres also need a lot of energy to help us to move, maintain our posture and lift objects."
Stress creates oxidation which in turn creates free radicals in our cells. When a cell is overpowered by free radicals, it becomes diseased, promotes tumor growth - mitochondria are depleted. Seeing that mitochondria ARE our fuel, it is very important to find ways to reduce stress. Learn to say “NO”, and find what makes you happy and do it - you not only deserve it, but your long term health may depend on it.
All three causes of inflammation are closely related as you can see. The opposite of the causes would be ANTI inflammatory.
1. Anti Oxidants (combat free radicals)
2. Happiness and joy (counters stress)
3. Whole, non-allergenic foods
The last cause of inflammation is one we have control over, if we make the choice. Most people eat what they please and it catches up with them later in life, which we have dismissed as "signs of aging". Fruits and vegetables are known for providing anti oxidants to the body.
A great tip recently heard in a training was to list 5 favorite vegetables and fruits, or whole foods - aka not from a box, bag, middle of the grocery store; and then make those 5 foods 80% of your diet for 30 days. I can assure you, if you do this, you will feel immensely better, probably will have lost some weight and experience less joint pain.
Remember, life won't change unless you make change happen. Now that you know the three causes of inflammation, and the detrimental effects it can have on the body as our earthly journey continues, are you going to continue on the same path, or do you feel a need to make some changes?
Don't be discouraged...I have been where many of you may be. Let's chat if you struggle every time and I can share tips that helped me immensely in getting my health back.
To your health,
Rita S.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
The Greatest Health Food Misconception
A new cooking show, called "Eating Allergen Free" or something like that, aired on PBS Create. It is the first time I caught a glimpse of the show and I was so excited to see a cooking show addressing the issue of food allergies.
I did not catch whom the chef was...if I did, I would write him, but instead...I am steaming a bit on my blog instead.
As the chef started preparing a ALLERGEN free dish from "whole, non-processed" foods - he stressed the importance of eliminating gluten and dairy. He then proceeded to start making mashed potatoes with SOY MILK! I was appalled, quite frankly.
The process of converting soy beans to milk is not a wholesome, healthy choice. The heat exposure affects the beans and is just one problem of many when addressng the unhealthy properties of soy beans. I encourage everyone to read THE WHOLE SOY STORY - a book by Dr. Kaayla Daniel.
Per Dr. Russel Blaylock, a neurosurgeon out of New York, soybeans contain more GLUTAMATE than any other plant in the plant kingdom. Organic soybeans are not excluded from this. Glutamates are BAD - to put it simply. Glutamates affect brain cells, contribute to brain tumors, and as I learned in his September 2013 newsletter, play a huge role in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). All MS patients should cut glutamate (MSG is one well known ingredient) from their diet.
Thyroid disorders are considered to be reaching epidemic proportions. In my independent consultantng business, I would surmise that 1 out of 5 women I meet indicate thyroid problems on their profile card. SOYBEANS raise havoc with the thyroid hormone. Even if a person is not eating tofu or drinking soy milk...SOY is an ingredient found in nearly all processed foods in one form or another.
People with a thyroid disorder may have some outward appearances to indicate such a problem...water retention, puffiness around the eyes, or swollen looking facial features - are some tell tale signs that Dr. David Brownstein, a renown expert on thyroid disorders, discusses in hs book, "How To Overcome Thyroid Disorders".
Soy has estrogenic effects and therefore should be avoided by cancer surivor's who have had an estrogen dominant breast cancer, as well as cervical, ovarian and even prostrate cancer. It affects hormone balance.
Soy based baby formula's are banned in Europe for a reason...few of which have been cited here. Do you wonder why Europe bans soy baby formula but the U.S. has no such regulation? Think about the agricultural soy industry in the U.S. It comes down to the bottom line...the almighty dollar.
"But the Asians eat it and are healthy" might be thinking. In Asia soy is consumed more as a condiment, whereas we Americans tend to make it a substitue main dish ingredient. Asian cultures also consume FERMENTED soy ...of which the fermentation process removes trypsin, a component of the soybean. Trypsin is found to promoteexcess cell growth, tumors in rats. (BTW - rats are used n research studies as ther metab0ilism closely resembles that of humans.) Soy MILK is not a staple in Asia.
Should soy be avoided at all costs? This is really up to the individual. If thyroid is a concern, or you have MS - I would suggest avoiding soy based on all I have read. If you are healthy and eat primarily 80% vegetables and fruit loaded with anti oxidants - your body can probably counter any ill affects from genetically modified and processed soybeans - and don't be fooled ...GMO soybeans are an American food staple.
Lots of inforamation is available to learn the tuth about soy. For your own sake, I encourage it.
To your heatlh,
Rita S.
I did not catch whom the chef was...if I did, I would write him, but instead...I am steaming a bit on my blog instead.
As the chef started preparing a ALLERGEN free dish from "whole, non-processed" foods - he stressed the importance of eliminating gluten and dairy. He then proceeded to start making mashed potatoes with SOY MILK! I was appalled, quite frankly.
The process of converting soy beans to milk is not a wholesome, healthy choice. The heat exposure affects the beans and is just one problem of many when addressng the unhealthy properties of soy beans. I encourage everyone to read THE WHOLE SOY STORY - a book by Dr. Kaayla Daniel.
Per Dr. Russel Blaylock, a neurosurgeon out of New York, soybeans contain more GLUTAMATE than any other plant in the plant kingdom. Organic soybeans are not excluded from this. Glutamates are BAD - to put it simply. Glutamates affect brain cells, contribute to brain tumors, and as I learned in his September 2013 newsletter, play a huge role in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). All MS patients should cut glutamate (MSG is one well known ingredient) from their diet.
Thyroid disorders are considered to be reaching epidemic proportions. In my independent consultantng business, I would surmise that 1 out of 5 women I meet indicate thyroid problems on their profile card. SOYBEANS raise havoc with the thyroid hormone. Even if a person is not eating tofu or drinking soy milk...SOY is an ingredient found in nearly all processed foods in one form or another.
People with a thyroid disorder may have some outward appearances to indicate such a problem...water retention, puffiness around the eyes, or swollen looking facial features - are some tell tale signs that Dr. David Brownstein, a renown expert on thyroid disorders, discusses in hs book, "How To Overcome Thyroid Disorders".
Soy has estrogenic effects and therefore should be avoided by cancer surivor's who have had an estrogen dominant breast cancer, as well as cervical, ovarian and even prostrate cancer. It affects hormone balance.
Soy based baby formula's are banned in Europe for a reason...few of which have been cited here. Do you wonder why Europe bans soy baby formula but the U.S. has no such regulation? Think about the agricultural soy industry in the U.S. It comes down to the bottom line...the almighty dollar.
"But the Asians eat it and are healthy" might be thinking. In Asia soy is consumed more as a condiment, whereas we Americans tend to make it a substitue main dish ingredient. Asian cultures also consume FERMENTED soy ...of which the fermentation process removes trypsin, a component of the soybean. Trypsin is found to promoteexcess cell growth, tumors in rats. (BTW - rats are used n research studies as ther metab0ilism closely resembles that of humans.) Soy MILK is not a staple in Asia.
Should soy be avoided at all costs? This is really up to the individual. If thyroid is a concern, or you have MS - I would suggest avoiding soy based on all I have read. If you are healthy and eat primarily 80% vegetables and fruit loaded with anti oxidants - your body can probably counter any ill affects from genetically modified and processed soybeans - and don't be fooled ...GMO soybeans are an American food staple.
Lots of inforamation is available to learn the tuth about soy. For your own sake, I encourage it.
To your heatlh,
Rita S.