Sunday, February 13, 2011

Protein Shakes Perfect for Overnighting Hike Thrus

What in the world is Molybdenum?
It's an ingredient in the AB protein shakes. Our vegan, pea/cranberry/rice based protein shakes provide 15% of molybdenum  - which I never heard of!! Of course my interest is piqued - anyone else find micronutrient study fascinating?
I found a link that explains it pretty well, a site dedicated to the study of micronutrients. I will be bookmarking this and learning more, as I am always fascinated by AB advanced presence on nutrients and ingredients. Their scientists and research staff are amazing!
Molybdenum is essential for enzymes to work properly. It is found in the soil, and places that have deficient amounts in the soil have a higher percentage of esophagus cancer, possibly Crone's disease. For something I never heard of, it seems pretty important.
Our shakes not only taste good and dissolve into a smooth, not grainy, beverage - they provide a complete and hormonally balanced meal. If I were to hike the Appalachian Trail...or some such big endeavor - I would be packing the convenient single serving packs of AB protein shake with my filtered water. Nutrition is so much  healthier than dried beef jerky and the Klondike and other trail bars, loaded with fructose and other additives that are not so healthy - despite their marketing.
In a previous post I have already discussed one doctor's discovery of guarana, and it's energy boosting properties, as he hiked in South America. After hearing a member of the Dane County Ice Age trail talk about his November hike thru of a section of the Appalachian trail, Jesse and I are talking about doing that on spring break with the kids in the future. I already know our backpacks will contain the AB Fizzy Tabs with guarana for energy, and the protein shakes for complete and portable nutrition.
If you hike and are interested in samples - send me a PM and I will mail some out to you!

To Your Health,
Rita S.

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