Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Healthy New Year - Part 2

Optimal Nutrition for Fat Loss
Excerpted from an e-blast by Dr. Mercola...
It is important to understand that 80 percent of your ability to reduce excess body fat is determined by what you eat, with the other 20 percent related to exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits.
The greatest pitfall of the American diet that prevents untold millions from reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is excess fructose consumption. It's the number one source of calories in the US, and this ingredient, primarily in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), hides in so many processed foods and beverages, it can be near impossible to avoid unless you alter your shopping and cooking habits. By avoiding processed foods in general, and focusing instead on whole, preferably locally-grown organic foods, you can plow your way through one of the greatest dietary obstacles there is today.
Next, you'll want to pay close attention to your consumption of grains (including organic ones) as they too readily break down into sugar, and promote insulin resistance and retention of body fat.
Following is a quick summary of Mercola's basic recommendations, which pretty much looks like the 30 day detox program I plan to start on January 1st:
· Limit your fructose to less than 25 grams per day. Ideally, you'll also want to limit the amount of fructose from fruit to 15 grams per day, as you're likely consuming 'hidden' fructose if you eat even small amounts of processed foods or sweetened beverages
· Limit or eliminate all processed foods
· Eliminate all gluten, and highly allergenic foods from your diet
· Eat organic foods whenever possible, preferably locally-grown
· Eat at least one-third of your food uncooked (raw), or as much as you can manage
· Increase the amount of fresh vegetables in your diet
· Avoid artificial sweeteners of all kinds
· Swap all trans fats (vegetable oils, margarine etc.) for healthful fats like raw grass-fed organic butter or coconut oil
· To re-balance your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, take a high-quality omega-3 supplement, such as krill oil, and reduce your consumption of processed omega-6 fats from vegetable oils (trans fats) (I use a very high quality vegan Omega 3 supplement that utilizes flax and chia seed oils)
· Drink plenty of pure water
· Optimize your vitamin D levels, either through appropriate sun exposure, a safe tanning bed (I don't agree with tanning beds), or a vitamin D3 supplement (if you are vegan and wish for a vegan D supplement, the source will have to vitamin D2, which, when formulated correctly is very absorbable, such as the calcium/D supplementation I take. Quality of vitamin supplementation is especially key in Vitamin D)

I hope you find this list helpful. It has very much become my mantra in in enjoying a healthier lifestyle. I didn't follow the plan of a renowned, or not so well known doctor, a highly publicized fad diet such as Atkins or South Beach, but in general...absorbed information from various health newsletters and utilized my new knowledge, common sense, and scriptural references to foods we should eat...and the result was a much healthier me!

To your health,

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