Friday, August 15, 2014

Our Journey With Cancer

Hello readers...I want to give you the URL for a new blog I have started with my husband as we journey through the healing process from cancer. Revealed to us in July, we feel we are in a good place. How ironic is that?

Not that we aren't having days of doubt, questioning...but we are learning to trust. Trusting that God has prepared me for a time such as this to be an advocate for my husband. These past years of learning, studying, researching alternative approaches to pharmaceuticals...we are encouraged by what we have learned. I have long felt that the only reason I have been able to retain what I am learning daily is because God is planning to use me for His purpose.

We have faith that the body can heal without is who we are, what we have experienced and live, what Jesse believes and desires to deal with the systematic illness in his body. He will share more about this when he is ready to type his own thoughts on this new if you want to share the journey with us, pop over to Open The Healing Floodgates blog...

Trusting in the Healer,
Rita S.

1 comment:

  1. I want to add to this that I have learned so much more...about the different types of cancer cells, radical remission stories and the power of the mind, as has my husband. I know that cancer cannot survive in an oxygenated and alkaline state, and this is the approach we took for Jesse's cancer journey. We received our HCG test back and were surprised at the good results we are seeing so quickly. My advice to everyone is to NEVER dismiss the importance of diet in battling any disease.
