Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Beware of Soy

Beware of soy protein products, especially if you have a history of cancer, or it runs in your family. Although the food industry touts the benefits of soy, and indeed it became quite a good cash crop while I was growing up in the country - the fact of the matter is, we do not eat like the Japanese.

When you consume tofu or other fermented soy products, are you eating it with fish or seaweed as the Japanese do? Soy has "compounds that block absorption of key nutrients, like zinc, and it will disable enzymes your body needs to access other nutrients", states Dr. John Lee in his book, "What your doctor may not tell you about pre-menopause". He goes on to state that it directly blocks thyroid function and protein absorption. I know my chiropractor stays clear of soy products in his patient nutrition program. Many people have soy allergies, and women who are sensitive to estrogens of any kind may react negatively (i.e. estrogen dominant cancer patients).

If you wish to have soy as a part of your diet, Dr. David Zava recommends eating it with fish (Omega 3s are key) and a rich mineral source, such as seaweeds, as the Asians do. He goes on to say that soy milks and soy protein powders are not even in the same league as fermented soy products, and use them sparingly. He feels these products may have a high concentration of toxins (consider that in the U.S. our soybean crops are often genetically altered, sprayed with pesticides and herbicides), and they may do more harm than good over the long haul.

If you go through my blog archives you will find previous threads about soy based protein shakes, etc. With the new year underway many of you are wanting to lose weight - and all I ask is that you research and investigate before you leap into a diet program that might actually to more harm than good. Of course moderation is key, in any food, including fermented soy products, such as tempeh, edamame, tofu and miso, but per doctors, Lee, Zava and Blaylock - not more than three times a week.

Dr. Lee's book actually has one of the most in depth, well written chapters on nutrition that I have ever read. It was the catalyst that encouraged me to start researching nutrition, investigating ingredients, learning what to be wary of and what ingredients are desirable. I continue my education and the more I read, the more affirmation I am finding of things already learned.

An article is by Dr. Russell Blaylock - the Dark Side of Soy, is excerpted to give you an overview. Because of what I read in that link, I subscribed to Blaylocks Wellness newsletter. Each month I receive a newsletter packed with information - generally with a certain topic covered.  Past issues do cover soy and I have access, and in one issue Blaylock mentions that soy tends to heavily absorb fluoride from the soil, a known toxin.

In contrast, the Women to Women site favors on the side of soy, and recommends:
- Choose whole food products (like tofu or edamame) or supplements made from whole soybeans
- Make sure your soybeans are from a reliable, quality source — choose soy products that contain no GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) and look for organic foods whenever possible.

- If you have thyroid concerns, breast health issues, allergies, or problems with digestibility, speak with your healthcare practitioner before eating large quantities of soy.

I will continue my studies and share what I learn. If you are interested in a protein powder, I would be happy to send you an ingredient list of the soy AND whey-free product I use. The ingredients are above and beyond anything else I have compared it to, and nutritionists, chiropractors and doctors across the country are embracing it. We can become healthy together!


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