Thursday, January 13, 2011

Green Tea - More Than A Healthy Habit

I believe I may have already posted two times or so about the benefits of green tea...what can I say - the  more I learn the more benefits I am discovering!
The more it’s subjected to scientific scrutiny, the better green tea looks as a health tonic. The Chinese and Japanese consume it as much or more as Americans drink coffee—it’s a staple of both cultures. Here’s a list of its beneficial effects, just based on recent research published in major journals:
•Prevention and treatment of cancer
•Reduction of blood pressure
•Protects the brain and nervous system from oxidation and excitotoxins
•Reduces cavities
•Improves cholesterol profiles
•Helps clear arteries

Getting your green tea in one of those awful corn-syrupy bottled drinks will probably negate its benefits. You can buy green tea in loose leaf form, or in bags. Keep in mind that, again, you get what you pay for. Often teas manufactured in convenience bags are made with Findings & Dust - which simply means that you are not getting much ECGC in your tea - which is one of the top anti-oxidants. Know how your tea is made. AB's Detox tea does come in the convenience of bags, but is tea leaves, and as well milk thistle is included which is essential for liver support. Try your tea plain, or add a drop or two of agave nectar if you prefer sweetened tea. Drink it hot, or brew your tea, allow it to chill and serve over ice for a refreshing, cool drink. One thing I have noticed about the Detox tea, even if you leave your tea bag in accidentally, you do not get a bitter tasting tea, as I have experienced with some other, not inexpensive green teas. Because it is caffeine free, it is the perfect cup to soothe and relax you after a  hard day.
Drink green tea for your heatlh!
Rita S.

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