Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Purpose Driven Life

This morning as I read scripture from 1 Peter I had a realization. Verses from chapter 5:1-3 read: "Be shepherd's of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them - not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve."
Servitude ...that is truly what my business comes down to. People say to me, "I could never sell." And I think, "well gosh, neither can I!" I have this horrible fear of rejection deep inside. I am sure you can all relate to the fear of rejection, whether it be rejected love, job search rejection, peer rejection...sometimes rejection can consume us.
But there is another entity that can consume us in a powerful way, and that is PASSION and PURPOSE. For most of my life I felt I was searching for this, indeed - I had felt something was "missing". A little more than a year ago a friend offered me the gift of Arbonne. I had no idea what it truly was, and just thought it a great product to get rid of skin tags. But at the same time, a dear friend was dying of prostrate cancer, and both had a commonality - "hormone imbalance". God opened my eyes so I could make the connection.
Knowledge can be powerful...and I set out to learn. I consumed books about hormone imbalance, health and well-being, toxins, physiology - all this "stuff"! What is surprising is that it sinks in to my head, and what's more - it stays there, which is mind-boggling in that I'm pushing 50, and absorbing all this new material as if I were 20 gain. I was never the biology brain in high school, and am certain God has His hand working on my behalf.
God made each of us through divine creation, with machinery inside that is so intricate and connected that it would blow our minds if we truly understood. The miracle that we are was not designed to run on toxic fuel, but on pure and good things from the earth that our Creator has provided. We are humans - we mess things up! In the name of "progress" we are messed up! We make choices, not that different from the "poisonous apple" in the center of the Garden.
It is amazing how God puts people in my path that tell me of their symptoms, or that of a parent, or grandparent. (My husband finds that amazing as well!) My fear tells me to offer sympathy and understanding, and zip my lip. I have to muster my passion to tell them what I have learned that can actually help them, or their loved one, possibly improve their well-being and feel better.
I strongly feel my Purpose is to educate and suggest products and books that can help people feel take control of their health (check the sidebar on the right for helpful links)...the products do not have to come from my company. I can teach people how to shop, and research ingredient labels to watch for the hidden dangers. Some prefer the convenience that my company has done the research for the past 32 years, and I have double checked their work. (LOL) Others become confident in their own ability to read labels - which means I have educated well!
I can only discern that I have, at last, found my life's purpose - to educate and help and serve so that other's do not have to experience what my dearest friend's family went through with cancer. I am not in the business to convince people and sell them on product, but to inform and let them make their own decisions. What it comes down to is that it is not about me, but about them.
Everyone has a RIGHT to go through life feeling great... without prescription drugs and having their insides yanked out. I feel God has taken me on a journey. One that has allowed me to completey turn the clock back and regain my health, and in turn I can teach, help others prevent from going where I was headed, and live life fully as God intended.

To your health, your own journey, and your purpose - God speed!
Rita S.

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